Editorial Board & Policies

The Editorial Board acknowledges the American Economic Association, Eastern Economic Association, and Southern Economic Association, and their various journals, as well as the Applied Economics Research Bulletin, for providing excellent journal policies that motivated the policies implemented at the NYER.

NYER Production Financing Statement

The New York Economic Review, in its new online-only format, is produced by the generous donation of time from the editorial board and referees. The explicit variable costs incurred with producing the journal are near zero. The minimal explicit costs are covered by the membership dues and conference fees collected by the New York State Economic Association. The Editorial Board reserves the right to change this policy in the future.

NYER Production Financing Statement

All articles appearing in the NYER and the NYER itself are Open-Access and subject to a Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 4.0) license available here Articles are available to readers free of charge at the New York State Economic Association website.

Peer Review, Confidentiality, and Editorial Handling

Manuscripts submitted to the New York Economic Review will be handled by the editor and members of the editorial board. Papers will be distributed by the editor to one of the co-editors or to the editor to oversee the refereeing process and to make a decision regarding publication. Allocation to a coeditor is based on the field of expertise of the coeditor along with many other considerations including workload and conflict of interest rules. Once assigned, papers are handled by the designated co-editor through the decision process. Co-editors will find two referees (one of which may be the co-editor if needed) and will be in charge of correspondence with referees. Upon collection of referee reports, co-editors will process the reports and recommend a decision to the editorial board. Prior to giving a revise-and-resubmit decision to any paper, or in case of indecision regarding outcome, the co-editor will consult a second co-editor of their choosing. The original co-editor remains the co-editor in charge and is free to make a decision as they see fit. The final decision regarding acceptance is determined by the editor, based on the advisement of the editorial board.

Conflict of interest: Co-editor in charge

  1. Co-editors may not handle the papers of colleagues or students at the same institution.
  2. Co-editors may not handle papers from coauthors of current projects nor of papers published within the past 2 years.
  3. Co-editors may not handle papers from untenured students they have advised.
  4. Co-editors may not handle papers from family members.
  5. Co-editors are obligated to disclose any close personal or professional relationships not listed here that may influence their opinion of the article.

Conflict of interest: Consulting co-editor

Consulting co-editors are bound by the same codes outlined above for the co-editor in charge.

Conflict of interest: Editor

  1. The editor is bound by the conflict of interest rules outlined below for co-editors.
  2. Papers submitted to the NYER that present a conflict of interest for the editor will be handled by a co-editor who is not excluded by the conflict of interest rules.
  3. If (2) above is not possible, the article cannot be considered for publication by the NYER.

Disclosure Policy

All authors are obligated to provide Disclosure Statements identifying any potential conflicts of interest. If authors have nothing to disclose, they are obligated to submit a brief statement explicitly stating this, which can be included in or as a cover letter to the submission.

Data Availability Policy

The New York Economic Review reserves the right to exclude from publication papers for which data and analysis are not clearly and precisely documented and readily available for purposes of replication. It is the responsibility of the author to notify the editor, in the cover letter provided with submission, if data are proprietary, or if for some other reason the above requirements cannot be met.

Plagiarism Policy

All articles submitted for consideration at the NYER are run through a plagiarism screening tool like Dupli Checker, Paper Rater, or similar. Properly attributed content will not be included in these checks.

Archiving Policies

In accordance with the Creative Commons Attributions license type “CC BY-NC 4.0”, authors are permitted to self-archive both pre and post-print versions of articles in consideration or published in the New York Economic Review.

In the event the NYER is no longer published, a digital archive of the NYER will be established via a decentralized peer to peer file exchange protocol like BitTorrent. Additional efforts will be made to archive the NYER with Open Access repositories.

Copyright and Licensing Policy

The New York Economic Review is available under the terms of a Creative Commons license described below.

Authors will retain copyright to their articles, but must agree to applying the Creative Commons Attributions (“CC BY-NC 4.0”) license to their work. Under the terms of this license, no permissions are required from the author(s) or publishers for members of the community to copy, distribute, transmit, or adapt the article content, provided that the material is not used for commercial purposes and that a proper, prominent, unambiguous citation is given to the authors in a manner that makes clear that the materials are being reused under the permission of a Creative Commons license. NYER’s preferred format for citation is as follows: Author Names, Article Title, New York Economic Review, Issue #, (Year of Publication); used in accordance with the Creative Commons License.

Any materials not the original creation of the author(s) from other sources which have been previously copyrighted must be cleared for reuse under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY-NC 4.0) license above. Prior to consideration for publication, express permission must be obtained from the copyright holder and forwarded to the Editorial Board.

Retraction and Correction Policy

The term Editor in this section will encompass all Editor title variations.

Content of all articles considered for publication, and of all published articles, are subject to the editorial review process, organized by and under the supervision of the Editor. Should authors wish to add to their articles after acceptance, a request must be submitted to the Editor, and the new content will be subject to review by the Editor and/or referees.

If the new material is additional to the accepted article, it must be submitted for peer review as a new manuscript and refer to the original manuscript.

If the new material should replace the original content of the accepted article, the Editor has the discretion to consider publishing an Erratum or Corrigendum.

Erratum refers to a correction of errors introduced to the article during the review process by the editorial board. All introduced changes are highlighted to the author during the proof stage and, ideally, errors are identified by the author and corrected by the editorial board before the manuscript is finalized for publication. Authors who notice an error should contact the editorial board.

Corrigendum refers to a change to their article that the author wishes to publish at a time after acceptance. Authors interested in corrigendum should contact the editorial board, who will determine the appropriate course of action.

Article Retraction For such rare occasions where infringements of professional ethical codes occur, a retraction will be used to correct errors in submission or publication. Retractions may be initiated by the authors or the editor under the advice of the scholarly community. A retraction note will be issued, signed by the originating party, and published in a subsequent issue of the journal. Articles that are retracted will retain a watermark indicating the retraction.

Advertising Policy

The NYER is willing to accept advertising from publishers or organizations offering products that are of interest to an academic readership, as determined by the editorial board and current president of the New York State Economic Association.

Anyone wishing to place an advertisement in the NYER should contact the editor for information about the NYER’s advertising policy and rates.

Advertisers will have no influence over editorial policy, will not have any access to the articles under consideration or to appear in the issue with their advertisement, and will have no ability to influence the editorial process in any manner.

Editorial Board

Arindam Mandal, Editor, Siena College

Cynthia Bansak, Associate Editor, St. Lawrence University

Aniruddha Mitra, Associate Editor, Bard College

Joseph Onochie, Associate Editor, Baruch College, CUNY

Past Editors and Editorial Advisors

David Vitt, Farmingdale State College

William O’Dea, Past Editor, SUNY Oneonta

Richard Vogel, Past Editorial Advisor and Conference Proceedings Editor, Farmingdale State College


All mail correspondence with the editorial board should be sent to the editor at the following address:

Arindam Mandal
102D Kiernan Hall
515 Loudon Road
Loudonville, NY 12211